Sunday, April 22, 2012

Garlic Shrimp and BowTie Stir Fry

This evening, I played Chef. Yes, that's right, Chef. I made some awesome Garlic Pepper Shrimp and Bow tie Stir Fry ( I ate this at our Sharp Coronado Hospital Cafeteria when working on a project, and had to bring home the recipe). The stir fry has peas, ham, artichoke hearts, mushrooms and chopped onions. All you need to do is add a little veggie stock and white wine, satay for a bit and when completed, pour on top of your favorite bow tie pasta! Don't forget the shredded Parmesan on top! Delish!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A week in action

Wow, I think I did well to get back on track, besides Monday and Tuesday recovering from the 10k. Wednesday night I went to cardio kickboxing and on thursday I jogged 2miles, fast walked 2mikes, then went to Zumba class. Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhh! Friday night was more if a rest and because it was such a beautiful day I couldn't resist not going to happy hour. This morning I woke up and went to the gym, 3 miles in just half an hour. to celebrate a rainy day :) gooooood morning!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Wow! It's been a while. It's a new year and I've already completed a 10k, the Cardiff Kook run. I completed the run in one hour and fifteen minutes. I'm getting back on track with eating right and getting more active. Boy...does it feel good!!!